Whether you need to register to vote, inquire about residential services, or just stay in the know about civic happenings, we’re here to connect you with the right department in the City of San Antonio.
“I want to adopt an animal.”
- Animal Care & Services | In addition to cute + adoptable pets, it also offers pop-up vaccination events.
“I want to explore San Antonio’s art scene.”
- Arts & Culture | Get updates on artist grants, citywide creative programs, and public art projects.
“How do I best prepare for a fire?”
- Fire Prevention Division | Learn how to build an emergency preparedness kit + stay connected with local response teams.
“My garbage hasn’t been picked up.”
- Solid Waste Management | Call for waste collection, street sweeps, or recycling + water services.
“I’d like to have my voice heard on various city projects.”
- SASpeakUp | This department will get you involved in multiple committees, participate in public surveys, and learn about City code updates.
“I’d like to start a business.”
- Small Business Division (Economic Development) | Find a mentor, startup resources, become certified, and check out business-related events + info sessions.
“How can I report a pothole?”
- Public Works Department | Study up on upcoming road closures, construction bonds, and the Pothole Patrol.
“Which parks are the best for ages 6-12?”
- Parks and Recreation | Discover local parks, volunteer opportunities, or nearby recreation centers.
“What is going on with all these electric scooters around?”
- Center City Development & Operations | Snag discounted scooter rides, get safety tips, and view the Alamo City’s dockless vehicle ordinance.
And that’s not all. There’s even more city departments to address your concerns — so let us know which ones you’re curious about and we’ll continue this series.