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Here’s what to do with your fall pumpkins and leaves in San Antonio

Learn how to dispose of old pumpkins and leaves ahead of the holidays.

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Learn how to dispose of your fall pumpkins in San Antonio.

Photo by SATXtoday team

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Now that Halloween and Thanksgiving are both over, you might have a slightly soggy jack-o'-lantern or unpainted pumpkin sitting on your porch. Before you throw it in the garbage bin, check out our tips for safely disposing your gourds and leaf piles. Unless you plan on jumping in the pile, then carry on.

Say gourdbye

Need to ditch the decomposing pumpkins? Unpainted pumpkins can go in your green curbside compost bin — just be sure to remove the candles and wax first. You can also dispose of pumpkins in your own composter, which is relatively easy and inexpensive to make at home. Check out the city’s guidelines for composting.

New to composting? The Composting Queens holds a variety of classes including Compost 101 and Bokashi Composting.


Give your Instagram followers pumpkin to talk about at these patches.

Photo by @kerstinwrba

Take it or leaf it

Autumn leaves are a thing of beauty… until they clog gutters and storm drains, and decompose into a slippery mess, but that doesn’t have to always be the case — there are simple steps to easily recycle leaves, sticks, grass clippings, and shrubbery.

  • Check your eligibility by using this map
  • Place leaves in paper bags or cardboard boxes
  • Ensure each bag is no more than 40 lbs
  • Look up your collection day online or by calling 311 (or 210-207-6000) for more information
  • Place bags on the curb — cannot exceed 8 cubic yards or 50 bags or boxes per collection

Pro tip: San Antonio’s organics program does not accept compostable or biodegradable bags.

Another alternative for leaves? Leaving them where they lie (as long as they’re in a place that won’t cause the aforementioned issues). While experts don’t recommend leaving thick piles of leaves on your lawn, smaller quantities — especially when shredded with a lawnmower — will break down and improve soil health, suppress weeds, and act as mulch.

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