We get it, life happens. From car break-ins, to loud and yappy animals, we’re here to take the stress out of rummaging through the internet looking for that correct phone number to call.
Water quality issues
Noticed your tap water tasting funky or maybe slightly murky? Call the San Antonio Water System at 210-704-7297.
Car break-ins
To report a vehicle break-in, dial the non-emergency line at 210-207-7273 or the San Antonio Police Department Auto Theft Division at 210-207-7345.
Noisy pets + animal control
Yup, that’s the neighbors dog again. For noisy pets and all animal-related concerns, dial 311. Live inside Bexar County? Call 210-335-9000 and press option one. Learn about our city’s animal ordinances and laws.
Environmental concerns
Think: Air quality, solid waste, food service health inspections, and more. For any questions or concerns about these topics, make a call to 210-335-6700 for The Bexar County Environmental Department. Pro tip: Download the GovAlert App for fast + local incident reporting.
Tree trimming near powerlines
Is there a tree branch caught on a power line or hanging too close? Not to worry, call CPS Energy at 210-353-2222 or make a request online.
Pothole reporting
Probably one of the worst feelings in the world is when you drive through a pothole. Luckily, the city has a designated team dubbed — get this — Pothole Patrol, and you can call 3-1-1 to report the road blemish.