Setting off your smoke detector while cooking can be quite annoying and loud. However, it’s actually doing you a favor and telling you it works — which is important no matter what type of dwelling you live in.
Smoke alarms are just one small (but important) part of your fire safety plan. In case of an emergency, what’s yours?
Make a plan
The San Antonio Fire Department (SAFD) encourages residents to have a fire escape plan for your home. This can guide you on what to do in case of a fire emergency. Don’t have one? Here are a few things to include:
- Draw a plan of your house.
- Find two ways out of every room, if possible (including doors and windows).
- Make sure every room has a smoke detector, and that they work (remember to test them regularly).
- Choose an outside designated meeting place for those you live with.
- Teach the plan to everyone in the house, and practice.
Make sure your fire plan is placed where everyone in the home can see it. In the event of a fire, SAFD wants people to know SCAN. This acronym stands for:
- Smoke alarm
- Clear a path for escape
- Action plan
- Neighbors (make sure to check on them)
Learn more about fire safety plans and resources on the SAFD Public Education website.
Services and training
Did you know SAFD has installed thousands of smoke alarms for free? This is possible through the Smoke Alarm Program that offers free smoke alarms and installation to San Antonio resident living in single family homes.
For more information, fill out this form or call the the United Way Helpline at 2-1-1.
The SAFD also provides training for its citizens. Here’s a list a few kids camps and training programs offered by the department:
- Hero Like Her and Hero Camps (kids summer camps)
- Fire Training
- Citizen’s Fire Academy
Want to join the department? Learn about the recruitment process.