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Meet the Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation in San Antonio

It’s a pink-out in the Alamo City

Pink ribbon in persons hand to signify breast cancer awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let’s introduce you to a local organization and how you can get involved with pink-out events across the Alamo City.

Photo by Angiola Harry

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Alamo City is seeing pink. In Texas, it’s estimated that 21,083 women will be diagnosed with the disease this year.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Texas followed by lung and prostate cancer. We’re here to introduce you to the Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) and how the organization assists those battling the disease.

Meet the ABCF

The Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation was established in 1993, with the mission to prevent breast cancer, fund research for cures, and ensuring women have access to quality care.

Here’s some of the resources the organization provides:

  • Treatment resources for uninsured + low-income individuals
  • Recommendation for low cost or free mammogram services
  • Organizations that offer mastectomy supplies
  • Transportation services
  • Support groups

If you’re looking to get involved, consider donating to the organization or attending its upcoming symposium.

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