We all know San Antonio’s iconic nicknames — the Alamo City, Countdown City, the 210 — but we’re here to focus on the water aspect of the River City.
Today we’re examining San Antonio’s water infrastructure and how it keeps the city’s thirst quenched + its residents safe by regulating water flow.
Iconic water structures
Constructed in 1925 to respond to the 1921 flood, Olmos Dam not only keeps communities safe, but also featured a roadway that overlooked the entire basin.
Olmos Drive was relocated (removing the topside road) during a 1979 renovation project that also added further dam + road improvements.
Later in 1989, it was upgraded to include the ability to remotely control the dam off site.
Taking water history back even further to the 18th century, the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park features the only Spanish aqueduct in the US — which still has flowing water to this day.
Managing our water
The City of San Antonio’s public utility company San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was established in May 1992.
SAWS manages water usage, permits, sources, and conservation for the entire Alamo City. They’re the one’s who implement important waterminders like watering restrictions.
From ground to faucet
You’ve definitely seen water towers across the city, like at Classen-Steubing Ranch Park or the iconic Leon Valley water tower. These structures serve an important function in our local infrastructure.

Think of water towers as blank canvases waiting for a special design, like this one in Poteet, TX.
Photo by Mike McGraw
Officially named elevated storage tanks, these vessels provide everyday functions such as:
- Helps create water pressure for residential homes
- Holds excess water for firefighters
- Satisfies everyday waters needs for the community
Water towers don’t need to be boring in design either. Think the strawberry tower in Poteet or this UFO-shaped one in Rio Vista.
For a deeper dive into wacky water tower designs, City Editor Nicholas recommends watching this video.