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Centro San Antonio to open hydration stations

The stations will provide water and electrolyte supplements to workers, locals, and visitors to beat the Texas heat.

Dewy Exterior.png

Get cooled off at Dewy Skin Studio

Photo by Centro San Antonio

Centro San Antonio is partnering with Dewy Skin Studio to create a hydration station pop-up at 507 E. Houston St for the public and Centro’s ambassadors. The station is working in tandem with the San Antonio‘s heat plan that highlights ways to stay cool, the location of cooling centers, how to recognize signs of dehydration, and the importance of seeking shade + drinking water throughout the day.

Here’s what you will find at the hydration station:

  • Bottled water
  • Electrolyte supplements
  • Intravenous (IV) hydration treatments
  • Tips + tricks on how to beat the South Texas heat.

The Centro Hydration Station will be available to the public starting tomorrow and every Friday through the month of August from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Dewy Skin Studio is also offering a discounted rate on its IV hydration treatments. IV’s are administered by a registered nurse and involves signing a legal waiver.